| 1. | According to the report , chicken carcass feeding might be a probable cause of infection 根据报告显示,该群老虎可能经进食喂饲的鸡只尸体而受感染。 |
| 2. | " we know that this is an unusual situation and we need more time to investigate and understand the cause of infection 杨医生说:我们知道这次情况并不寻常,我们需要时间调查及了解感染的源头。 |
| 3. | They are in stable condition and two of them are still having fever . specimens have been taken to find out the cause of infection 他们三人现正接受隔离观察,情况稳定,院方已抽取样本化验,其中两人仍然发烧。 |
| 4. | The influenza investigation team will look into the possible causes of infection of this farm in addition to its study on the recent chicken disease incident 至于这个白沙鸡场感染的成因,连同较早前的感染事件,会一并交给流感调查小组研究。 |
| 5. | Specimens have been taken to find out the cause of infection . meanwhile , a health care worker who was on duty in the paediatrics ward last week developed fever and respiratory track infection symptoms on november 22 and is now on sick leave 另一方面,一名曾于上周在儿科病房当值的医护人员,于十一月二十二日发烧及出现呼吸道受感染徵状,她现时正在放病假。 |
| 6. | Meanwhile , two other patients , an 11 - year - old boy and a 13 - year - old girl , at the ddu were found to have fever and upper respiratory infection symptoms last night . specimens have been taken to find out the cause of infection 另一方面,明爱医院发展复康部昨晚有一名十一岁男童及一名十三岁女童发烧及出现上呼吸道感染徵状他们的样本将进行化验以找出有关原因。 |
| 7. | Specimens have been taken to find out the cause of infection . meanwhile a health care worker who was on duty in the ddu and the paediatrics ward last week developed fever and was admitted yesterday to an isolation ward in cmc in stable condition 另一方面,一名曾于上周在发展复康部及儿科病房当值的医护人员,昨晚因发烧而在明爱医院接受隔离治疗,她现时情况稳定。 |
| 8. | Meanwhile , he said the chicken influenza investigation team would also look into the cause of infection of the two chicken farms in pak sha . this team was established to investigate cause ( s ) leading to the recent outbreak of avian influenza in local farms and to recommend measures to reduce the likelihood of such incidents in future 此外,廖季坚表示这两个农场感染禽流感的成因会交由调查小组一并研究。调查小组的职权范围包括确立最近引致本地农场出现鸡只流感的成因,以及提出减低禽流感再次发生可能性的改善措施。 |